November 7, 2014 Rhett Jones

Here are some art, film, music and other things happening in NYC so you can Have a Good Weekend. Drop your suggestions in the comments or to tips@animalnewyork.com. FRIDAY 52°F LOW 36°F   In theaters: Matthew McConaughey trips out on space in Interstellar. Disney gets even more like Pixar with Big Hero 6, and Frederick Wiseman […]

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Alexis Janine

If you know what you’re looking for, you can still find the original murals by Chris FREEDOM Pape in the Amtrak tunnel under Riverside Park 25 years after the famous graffiti artist painted them. In a city where almost nothing lasts — let alone graffiti/street art — it’s incredible that they are still intact. As […]

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November 6, 2014 Backdoor Pharmacist

Erowid is a non-profit website that provides any and every resource they can get their hands on for altering your state of mind and trip balls. That includes a section for trip reports, and there are some pretty wild stories. Here are six of the craziest: SMOKING TEA No, seriously, this Erowid poster means smoking […]

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Bucky Turco

For four years, Italian-based street artist Anecleto “Clet” Abraham has been subtly altering hundreds of street signs with his minimalist sticker interventions all across Europe. In late October, Clet brought his campaign overseas for the first time ever, heading to New York City. ANIMAL tagged along for a morning as he plastered his work on […]

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Louis, Jamaica Station. (Photo: Bucky Turco/ANIMALNewYork) […]

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November 5, 2014 Prachi Gupta

The two NYPD officers who pistol-whipped and punched a Brooklyn teenager in August have been charged as criminals in Brooklyn Supreme Court. Officer David Afanador (pictured above, on the right) has been charged with felony assault of the 2nd degree, criminal possession of a weapon of the 4th degree, and official misconduct, while Officer Tyrane […]

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Amy K. Nelson

In late October, several businesses in Harlem and Fort Greene began posting controversial signs on their doors warning potential customers that the wearing of either hoodies or masks in their store would result in trespassing. A few days later, ANIMAL went to Harlem and found that the stores took down the signs, with one store […]

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November 4, 2014 Aymann Ismail

Traditionally, when a graffiti artist risks arrest to paint a train in New York, he or she usually targets a subway car, but one enterprising writer decided to go against the grain by painting a Long Island Railroad train instead. Earlier today, I shot a photo of a LIRR commuter train near the Arch Street […]

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Patrick Sauer

The Catholic Church is on the decline. Not only has church attendance among Catholics been steadily dropping, but priests are retiring faster than they’re being ordained. Meanwhile, the Church’s expenses are only increasing. On Sunday, the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of New York’s Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan dropped another bomb: 112 parishes will merge into 55, […]

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November 3, 2014 Rhett Jones

Get your “my kid could paint that” jokes ready, because Aelita Andre, the 7-year-old child prodigy painter, just opened a gallery exhibition in New York on October 28. Andre hails from Australia and began painting as an infant. She showed her first work in a gallery when she was just 20 months old. The exhibition […]

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