Here’s the latest booze news from the science world: Alcohol actually fuels the brains of heavy drinkers, a new study shows, literally boosting the brain’s energy levels, something that we once thought only sugar could do. Habitual boozing increases brain levels of acetate, a high-energy chemical released by the liver during alcohol metabolism. Interestingly, the […]
The Image Toaster from German designer and engineer Scott van Haastrecht searches Google Images for a random picture related to the current date, then “prints” it onto a 6×6 pixel grid on a piece of toast. Finally! Today’s toast might feature a crude rendering of Barbara Streisand, for example, or the seal of the Department of […]
At last, a venue to read aloud that Pikachu/Hermoine romantic yarn you’ve been spinning: Competitive Erotic Fan Fiction, a Park Slope event that will showcase the hottest in audience-written hookups. The competition, which goes down at Union Hall Saturday, features 10 entrants who will do their best to woo the crowd with tales of make-believe characters doing the dirty […]
Peter, the Bronx. (Photo: David Goldemberg) […]
Today is Martha Cooper’s birthday. In tribute to the stalwart graffiti photographer, LADY PINK, HOW, NOSM, FREE5, TERROR161, CRASH, DAZE, BIO, FREEDOM and other graffiti writers are currently working on this mural, to be finished later today. The mural was a surprise. They told Martha to come by 12 and there it was. “It’s more […]
Williamsburg bridge has been snowed on. Everything has been snowed on. It snowed. (Photo: Several Seconds/Flickr) […]
Science is now telling us that bees will repeatedly go back to a plant to collect nectar, if the nectar is laced with caffeine. So bees are kind of like us! Are there some bees that are not morning bees and tell people not to talk to them until they’ve had their morning nectar? And do […]
So, it’s March 8th, International Women’s Day. Russian immigrants give their moms’ a call. Most former Soviet Socialist Republics celebrate similarly. Others, around the world, protest glaring inequalities and abuse. It’s only appropriate that in the neu-repressive Russia, dozens of protestors were plucked from several demonstrations around the city and arrested for “administrative misdemeanours for […]
Artist Angelo Musco invites models to his Chelsea studio, about a dozen at a time, to pose for him in the nude, in various kinetic arrangements against green backgrounds. The final results are photographic murals made up of upwards of 2 million of adult nudes floating like overgrown, spindly cherubs in a boundless ether, spiraling […]
With the four-year-old South Ferry station getting ruined by Hurricane Sandy, the MTA’s making the situation a little better by opening up the old South Ferry station in the first week of April. Well, at least it’s better than nothing. The newer station will essentially have to be rebuilt due to all the water damage. […]