NYPD Will Make It Harder And Allegedly Less Tempting To Climb The Brooklyn Bridge

After the recent successful trespassing feats by people who climbed the Brooklyn Bridge and the tabloid panic that ensued, the NYPD is looking to improve the barriers to out-of-bounds areas of the structure. Cops will work with transportation officials to reinforce gates to the bridges cables, which urban explorers can use to scale to the top. The police will also be […]

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Fifty NYPD Officers Will Get Body Cameras In Pilot Program

Yesterday, police commissioner Bill Bratton announced a small pilot program that will provide NYPD officers with body cameras to record their actions while on duty. The initial program will include only 50 officers. The cameras are intended both to prevent misconduct by officers and allow officers a defense against complaints that are said to be unfounded. […]

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After Death of Eric Garner, NYPD’s Approval Rating Is Lowest Since 2000

According to the newest Quinnipiac data published in the Daily News, 68% of polled New Yorkers see no excuse for police violence which that lead to the tragic death of Staten Island man Eric Garner. Only 24% said the cops’ actions were understandable. 64% wanted the officer who placed Garner in the deadly chokehold to face criminal charges […]

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NYPD Finally Notices Someone Climbing The Brooklyn Bridge

UPDATE: Yaroslav Kolchin is being held on $5,000 bail and is facing charges of reckless endangerment and trespassing.  After two German artists replaced the American flags on the Brooklyn Bridge earlier in the summer, undetected by the police, the NYPD have finally caught someone trespassing on the historic bridge. According to the AP, 24-year-old Yaroslav Kolchin was spotted scaling […]

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American Flags Stolen From Brooklyn Bridge To Be Returned To NYPD

German artists Matthias Wermke and Mischa Leinkauf, who claimed responsibility for swapping the Brooklyn Bridge’s American flags with flags bleached white, to U.S. officials at the U.S. embassy in Germany. According to CNN, they will be handed over to the NYPD today. The artists maintain that they had no anti-American sentiment in mind with their art project, and merely wanted to bring […]

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Traffic Video May Prove NYPD Lied About Officer Killing Student

New evidence points to the possibility that the NYPD lied about a deadly vehicular incident last year when 24-year-old Japanese student Ryo Oyamada was ran over by Officer Darren Ilardi while crossing 40th Avenue in Queens. The police reported that the cruiser’s emergency lights had been on at the time of the crash and that the officer was […]

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NYPD Commissioner Bratton Thinks “Outrageous” Graffiti Exhibit Is A Bad Influence On Kids

The Museum of the City of New York’s current exhibit “City As Canvas” features photography of graffiti from the 70′s and 80′s and the work of artists such AS Keith Haring and Lee Quiñones. The show has been up since February, but Police Commissioner Bill Bratton is still angry about it, the Wall Street Journal reports. “I […]

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Watch NYPD Stand Directly In Bike Path On Day 1 Of NYPD’s “Safe Cycle” Crackdown

On Wednesday afternoon, I took a leisurely bike ride in Midtown to check out whether the NYPD’s “Operation Safe Cycle” was being enforced. Tourists, motorists and anyone with a pulse is on notice for the next two weeks — the city will ticket you if obstruct bicycle lanes, creating a hazard for riders. With a GoPro camera mounted atop […]

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NYPD Investigating Jogger’s Death In Central Park Cyclist Accident

The NYPD is investigating an incident earlier this month in which a cyclist collided with a 75-year-old jogger in Central Park. Irving Schachter was training for the New York City Marathon in the park when he was hit by the cyclist. He died from a head injury resulting from the collision on August 5th. The cyclist […]

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