Eric Garner’s Family Plans $75 Million Lawsuit Against the NYPD

On Monday, the family of Eric Garner — who died after being placed into an illegal chokehold by a police officer — has taken the first step in their planned lawsuit against the city, the NYPD and six officers involved in the incident, filing a claim to sue for $75 million. The claim is currently under review. The police […]

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New Stop-And-Frisk Forms Will Try To Make the NYPD More Accountable

When the NYPD stop-and-frisks someone on the street — statisically black or Hispanic — their paperwork is going to change. According to the New York Daily News, cops will have to now have to fill out forms with written explanations for they’re conducting the controversial tactic. That is far different than the current protocol, which […]

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Parents Of Kids Murdered By Cops Confront NYPD At Sunset Park Community Meeting

It was around 7:30PM when Margarita Rosario took the microphone at the Sunset Park rec center, turned to a table that seated five police officers and told the story of how her son had been murdered by NYPD cops. “My son, Anthony Rosario, had 14 bullets in his back, face down on the floor,” Rosario […]

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NYPD’s Chokehold Epidemic Reaches Highest Level

According to a leaked report, the NYPD can’t stop choking people. The Civilian Complaint Review Board (CCRB) has been re-evaluating the prohibited chokehold practice after an officer used it on Eric Garner during a minor crime arrest. Garner’s death was ruled a homicide by the medical examiner. The CCRB report is incomplete, but its findings are clear. The NYPD has had 1,128 complaints […]

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Meeting Between NYPD and Times Square Characters Goes Badly

Earlier this week, the NYPD conducted what CBS characterized as an “impromptu meeting” with Times Square mascots in an effort to improve relations after a string of well publicized arrests. But according to the doomsdayers at the New York Post, it didn’t go as well as planned. Only nine characters showed up — CBS reported […]

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NYPD Still Clinging To Decoy Purses, Operation Lucky Bag

The NYPD’s “Operation Lucky Bag” decoy operation, which has been in use for a decade, is finally facing some restrictions. The operation consists of police officers leaving bags or other items vulnerable to theft in open, public spaces, and waiting to arrest those who pick them up. The tactic has lead to arrests of those […]

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Exclusive Interview With Man Who Shot Video of NYPD Melee In Sunset Park

The man who says he captured video of the melee with the NYPD in Brooklyn on Sunday told ANIMAL that police provoked the confrontation and he recorded the exchange in case cops tried using a chokehold, invoking the death of Eric Garner. “I saw the cops starting shit and I said ‘Let me film this […]

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Man Arrested During Sunset Park Scuffle With NYPD Says He’s “Scared”

One of the men arrested in this weekend’s melee with NYPD officers told ANIMAL he is scared to walk the streets now and that he was an innocent bystander caught in the chaos. Edwin Rosario, 46, of Sunset Park, Brooklyn (where the clash with cops took place on Sunday) said that he left his house to go […]

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Melee Caught On Video Prompts NYPD To Launch Another Internal Investigation

The NYPD is investigating another confrontation between its officers and residents after a melee — caught on video — broke out on Sunday in Brooklyn, cops told ANIMAL. UPDATE (2:20PM): ANIMAL contacted DCPI and they confirmed that an officer involved in the incident was suspended. (Read our interview with a person who was arrested and […]

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