NYPD Begins Bike Crackdown Today

Cyclists beware! Starting today through August 26th, the New York Police Department is launching Operation Safe Cycle. For two weeks, bike and pedestrian safety is “priority.” The AP reports that cops will be targeting those engaged in “disobeying traffic signals and signs; riding against traffic; riding on the sidewalk; and failure to yield to pedestrians in crosswalks.” […]

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Wife Of Man Who Filmed Deadly NYPD Chokehold Of Eric Garner Arrested

The wife of Ramsay Orta — who videotaped the Eric Garner being placed into a chokehold that, according to the medical examiner, caused his death — has been charged for misdemeanor assault of a woman. SI Live reports that Chrissie Oritz was placed under arrest in the area covered by the troubled 120th Precinct, not far from where Garner was killed. Orta was […]

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Watch the NYPD Break Traffic Laws To Question Cabbie Who’s Driving Legally

Every afternoon during the week, like clockwork, a cacophony of horns start to honk incessantly and permeate our Hell’s Kitchen office as vehicles comes to a standstill for several blocks at West 44th Street and 11th Avenue. The majority of the drivers are New Jersey commuters darting for the entrance to the Lincoln Tunnel. Cars, […]

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Photos Show NYPD Officer Putting Pregnant Woman In Apparent Chokehold

Despite a 1993 ban on chokeholds by the NYPD and all the media attention that Eric Garner’s death has amassed (along with other instances of police misconduct over the past few days), photos surfaced from this weekend that appear to show yet another cop using the prohibited tactic and this time it was on a […]

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NYPD Officer Seen Pointing Gun at Suspect’s Head, Then Stomping On It

Days after damning videos emerged of the NYPD using chokeholds to try to subdue suspects during arrests, one of whom died shortly after, new footage has been posted to Facebook that shows an officer pointing a gun at a man’s head while he is being restrained. The officer then walks away to get his handcuffs […]

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Poster Boy Comments on “Pig” NYPD

Poster Boy is staying busy since adjusting a Chelsea parking lot billboard to read “WTF is street art anyway?” In mourning Eric Garner, the 43-year-old Staten Island man who died after being placed in a chokehold by a plainclothes officer, the artist took to altering a police vehicle with a much more somber statement. On Flickr, he accompanied the image […]

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NYPD Casting Huge Dragnet In Its Investigation of Those White Flags On the Brooklyn Bridge

The NYPD really wants to find out who was responsible for installing two bleached-white American flags atop the Brooklyn Bridge, undetected, and is taking all sorts of measures to solve the mystery. NBC reports: “Investigators are running license plate numbers, scouring social media, examining cellphone transmissions and collecting DNA as part of their investigation…” The […]

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The NYPD Increases Arrests for Sex-Related Crimes On the Subway

Cops appear to be finally cracking down on sexual harassment on the subway. So far this year, 128 people have been arrested, compared to 104 last year. The NYPD credits the 23% increase to having more plainclothes officers on the train. “Increased enforcement is a good step,” Debjoni Roy, the deputy director of the street harassment non-profit Hollaback! told Daily […]

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Reverend Posts New Videos of Another Banned NYPD Chokehold

A local reverend and community activist recently shared a pair of videos on his Facebook page of an NYPD officer placing what looks like a chokehold on a man in a Manhattan subway station, in a confrontation that occurred just days before the same physical tactic, which is prohibited by the police department, befell a […]

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NYPD Is Considering Expanded Use Of Tasers In Confrontations

In the wake of Eric Garner’s recent death after an act of police misconduct, the NYPD is reviewing its practices of using force and retraining all of its 35,000 officers. One senior police official stated that a wider use of tasers was being discussed, as it could lessen direct physical contact in a confrontation such as […]

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