These NYPD Parade Barricades Are Still Gay

More than two million people showed up to watch and cheer on the 2013 Pride Parade that stretched for more than two miles through Manhattan. They left behind a little something. A lot of little somethings. As you can see, these NYPD barricades have been festooned with stickers from LGBT rights groups, support organizations and […]

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Audit Finds NYPD Officers Manipulate Crime Statistics

Yesterday, NYPD Commissioner Ray Kelly announced a report that found NYPD officers make “egregious” errors in classifying crimes, sometimes intentionally, in order to report lower crime statistics. Kelly ordered the audit two years ago, and it was carried committee of prominent attorneys. “Performance is — at least in part — measured by the ability to […]

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NYPD Stops Whites “Too Much,” Minorities “Too Little,” Says Delusional Radio Caller

As you may have heard, this week, City Council passed two bills with the power to drastically increase oversight of the NYPD. The reactions from the public have been polarized across the board, but none was more extreme than that of a caller on John Gambling’s radio show this morning. Michael Bloomberg, a 71-year-old white […]

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Top Cops Blame Kelly, Bloomberg for NYPD Scrutiny

Michael Bloomberg and Ray Kelly may be upset about yesterday’s City Council decision imposing strict new oversight on the NYPD, but they’re the ones chiefly at fault, say some unusually candid department sources contacted by DNAinfo. According to the current and former high-ranking cops, the mayor’s and police commissioner’s standoffish, arrogant responses to criticism gradually […]

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Crucial NYPD Oversight Bills Passed Late Last Night

At 2:20AM today the City Council passed the Community Safety Act, a package of two bills that could drastically increase oversight of the NYPD. The legislation was passed with a veto-proof majority, which is important; Michael Bloomberg has been vocally opposed to the act, calling his opposition to it a matter of “life and death” […]

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CIA Helped NYPD Spy on New Yorkers After 9/11

In 2011, the Associated Press published an article detailing the ways the CIA assists the NYPD in its surveillance of the local Muslim community–a practice that’s now being challenged in several high-profile lawsuits. This prompted the CIA’s inspector general, who oversees Agency operations, to begin an investigation into the collaboration, as CIA agents are not […]

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Federal Government Tentatively Supports NYPD Oversight

Running parallel to the increased discussion of stop-and-frisk brought on by the federal trial over the practice and the coming mayoral election has been the question of police oversight. If the NYPD is indeed violating the rights of New Yorkers, should an independent monitor be brought in to oversee the department. According to the U.S. […]

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NYPD Denial on Stop-and-Frisk Reaches Dizzying New Lows

The NYPD has made some outrageous claims throughout the federal stop-and-frisk trial, but perhaps none more ridiculous than this: that any claims of racial profiling involving the practice are completely fabricated. Never mind the audio evidence, never mind the stats, never mind the personal testimony–it’s all fiction, according to department leadership. Department chief Joseph J. […]

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