Call For Bulletproof Glass In Cop Cars While Ambulance Services Beg For Funds

Following the tragic shooting of two NYPD officers by a suicidal, mentally ill man, state lawmakers are calling for funding to install bulletproof glass in all police cruisers. Four assembly members announced on Sunday that they are drafting legislation to use part of a $5.1 billion budget surplus to outfit squad cars in departments across […]

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Cop Punches “12-Year-Old,” Doesn’t Care About Cameras Or Bystanders

It seems that NYPD officers have really let this sink in: It doesn’t matter what they do, if they’re doing it to a black person. Take this particular plainclothes officer for instance: When his colleagues seem to be struggling to arrest a suspect — presumably a child — he jumps to the rescue and gives the kid a few […]

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A Warrant For Police Drones? City Council Bill Would Do That And More

A new bill being introduced to the City Council seeks to require cops to have a warrant if they want to use a drone in the line of duty. It would also entirely ban the use of drones by regular citizens. The measure is being introduced by Council Member Dan Garodnick, who tells the New […]

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RIP Amazing Person, Graffiti Icon, and Nets Superfan Jeffrey KORN Gamblero

New York City lost another legend this weekend with the passing of Jeffrey KORN Gamblero, better known to the world at large as the Nets superfan. Numerous media outlets have already published details of his tragic death, so I’d like to reflect on his life. For well over a decade, I knew KORN only by […]

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Professor Charged With Assaulting Cops During Protest On Brooklyn Bridge

A professor at Baruch College has been accused of assault against NYPD officers, alleged to have occurred on the Brooklyn Bridge during the Millions March protest on Saturday. Eric Linsker, 29, teaches composition at Baruch. Police claim that during Saturday’s protests he attempted to throw a garbage can on a police car and resisted arrest, kicking one officer […]

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NY Supreme Court Justice Dismisses Charges Against Man Despite Testimonies From Cops

Acting Supreme Court Justice Michael Gary has cleared a man accused of firing a gun into a crowd despite the testimony of four police officers. The New York Daily News reports: In a non-jury trial this month, officers from four different commands — including a lieutenant and an Internal Affairs captain — all testified they […]

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The Millions March On Manhattan

Tens of thousands of people protested against police injustice in Manhattan on Saturday. Dubbed the Millions March, protesters chanted and pumped signs as they walked from Washington Square Park to Midtown and then down to One Police Plaza. According to the organizers, family members of Mike Brown, Jordan Davis, Shantel Davis, Sean Bell, Emmitt Till, […]

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