Police Union, Politicians Seize On Tragic Shooting of NYPD Cops

On Saturday, two NYPD cops were killed in Bed Stuy by a man who then took his own life with the same gun. At 2:47PM, Ismaaiyl Brinsley, 28, walked up to the passenger side of a patrol car parked near near Myrtle and Tompkins Avenues, pulled out a silver Taurus handgun, and opened fire on […]

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Protesters Arrested For Tussling With NYPD On the Brooklyn Bridge

After a Brooklyn man turned himself in on Thursday for allegedly assaulting two cops during a mischievous Saturday evening protest on the Brooklyn Bridge, police arrested another person they were looking for earlier today reports ABC News. A search warrant was executed, but no other details were given. Police say that Robert Murray, 43, was […]

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NYPD Is Canceling Its Holiday Parties Because Of The Protests

NYPD precincts across the city are canceling their holiday parties amid the ongoing protests for Eric Garner, reports DNAinfo. The decision is one of practicality: officers pay for holiday parties themselves, and many are worried that they’ll have to skip the parties to work, patrolling the streets during a demonstration. So far, two thirds of […]

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NYPD Counterterrorism Official: Sydney Attack Is Pretty Much “Inevitable” In NYC

The more than 16-hour siege of a Sydney cafe on Monday morning, which left two hostages dead before police killed a self-styled Muslim gunman, has left the country in mourning. While Australia begins its investigation into how Man Haron Monis, a man with a “long history of violent crime, infatuation with extremism and mental instability,” […]

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NYPD Just Not That Into Reporting Traffic Fatalities

Despite its “stated policy” to notify reporters about every traffic death, the NYPD only sends the data around 25 percent of the time WNYC reports. These findings come on the heels of the nation’s largest police force facing intense scrutiny for not aggressively investigating drivers involved in fatal crashes, for selectively enforcing traffic laws against […]

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Crazy Footage Of Brooklyn Bridge Protests Shows Assault On NYPD Officers (UPDATED)

Nearly 30,000 people gathered for the Millions March in Manhattan on Saturday. While it was generally peaceful, a few groups of rowdy protesters contributed to the NYPD reconsidering its hands-off approach. The video above shows one such group gone rogue, capturing the chaos on the Brooklyn Bridge (the Millions March ended at One Police Plaza […]

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NYPD Condemns De Blasio And Rethinks Hands-Off Approach To Protests

Though most of New York City’s protests for Eric Garner have been peaceful, a few clashes during Saturday’s Millions March has left the NYPD facing an “operational dilemma,” compelling officers to rethink their approach, reports Pix 11. At least two officers were assaulted on the Brooklyn Bridge, and in Murray Hill, a group of protesters […]

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NYPD Arrest More Than 200 In Second Night Of Eric Garner Protests As Thousands Flood The Streets

The NYPD was prepared for heavier protests on Thursday night, and New Yorkers, frustrated by Wednesday’s failure to indict Officer Daniel Pantaleo in the death of Eric Garner, delivered. Gathering in Union and Foley Squares around 5:30 PM, thousands of people swarmed the city, eventually spilling into roadways and blocking traffic on essentially every major […]

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One Month Ahead Of Plan, NYPD Begins Body Cam Program

The NYPD has announced it will begin its pilot program for body-mounted cams on Wednesday, a full month earlier than previously announced. It has been implied that the move is motivated by tensions that could arise with the expected announcement of a grand jury’s ruling on the death of Eric Garner. Garner died after being placed […]

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