Out Of Touch NYPD Worried About Social Media Abilities Of Protesters

According to a law enforcement source, social-media tools are leaving the NYPD at a disadvantage when it comes to stopping unruly protests on the streets of New York City. Referring to demonstrators who last week marched the streets of NYC in response to the grand jury decision not to indict Officer Darren Wilson in Ferguson, Missouri, the source […]

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NYPD Tactics Stuck In The ’90s

Current and former members of the NYPD told DNAinfo that the police force is still using the same tactics it employed in the high crime days of the early 1990s, despite the fact that crime has drastically reduced, and that the city is a far different place. The sources say that many of the department’s troubles […]

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NYPD Shooting Of Unarmed Man Ruled A Homicide, Brooklyn D.A. Launches Probe

Akai Gurley, 28, was shot and killed by a rookie cop while descending the unlit staircase of East New York’s Pink Houses on November 20th. He was unarmed. According to Gurley’s female companion, Melissa Butler, the two residents decided to take the staircase after the elevator had taken too long to arrive. When the couple […]

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Graphic Video Shows Bloody Beating Of Young Man By The NYPD

A disturbing new video shows an NYPD officer beating an alleged farebeater over the head with a nightstick — a move that’s “against department policy,” reports PIX11. The incident, which took place around 8 PM at the Myrtle Avenue (Broadway) J/M/Z station. The video begins with the officer pinning 20-year-old Donovan Lawson against a wall, […]

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Misdemeanors Will Cost NYPD $411 Million This Year

The NYPD is on track to spend $411 million on misdemeanor crimes this year, despite the fact that 90% of the cases will result in no significant jail time. According to a new report by the Police Reform Organizing Project (PROP) the number of misdemeanors arrests is up this year — 156,572 — compared to 155,831 for the […]

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City Council Bill Would Force the NYPD To Do What the NYPD Proposed Six Years Ago

On Thursday, the City Council will propose a bill requiring police officers to get permission from a suspect before they search them, reports the New York Post: Under legislation being introduced Thursday, police officers would have to get consent for searches when they don’t have a warrant, aren’t making an arrest or don’t have probable […]

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NYC to Do What NYS Did 37 Years Ago Because NYPD

By Monday morning, it had been widely reported that NYC is planning to drastically alter how it handles arrests for small amounts of weed possession. Mayor de Blasio and Police Commissioner Bill Bratton will announce the changes at a press conference Monday afternoon, nearly four decades after New York State set the stage for decriminalization. […]

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NYPD Reportedly Halts Weed Buy-and-Bust Arrests

In a directive that came from Mayor Bill de Blasio’s office and that is being viewed through the prism of race, the NYPD has been told to stop arresting people for low-level amounts of weed, according to the New York Post. And of course the Post’s sources are spinning this as a move de Blasio […]

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