January 18, 2013 Marina Galperina

The skateboards in Mounier Fatmi’s Maximum Sensation installation at the Brooklyn Museum look like Muslim prayer rugs… but EXTREME! (Photo: Saya Sings/Flickr) […]

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Aymann Ismail

And now, a banging little musical interlude. Happy Friday, everyone! (Video: Aymann Ismail/ANIMALNewYork) […]

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Samer Kalaf

Jen Carlson of Gothamist took a trip to the Rare Books Division at the New York Public Library, and found a blank copy of the first printed liquor licenses issued in New York City. It seems like a decent deal: Pay twenty pounds, drink with the Queen’s approval. Keep the “good Rule and Order,” though. […]

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Andy Cush

This evening, ANIMAL is teaming up with advocacy group Stamp Stampede to raise awareness about Citizens United, one of the most obscene Supreme Court rulings ever handed down by old people in robes. We’ll do this by taking a projector-equipped van around the city, putting enormous images like the one above on various buildings and […]

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Marina Galperina

Julian Assange has been living in the Ecuadorian embassy in London since being granted asylum in June 2012. And now, someone sent the Wikileaks founder a present. As ArtInfo points out: It’s art. Delivery for Mr. Assange (2013) created by the !Mediengruppe Bitnik collective rigged a parcel with a tiny camera that records and uploads an image every 10 seconds onto […]

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Andy Cush

Perhaps the strangest thing about Spring Breakers, Harmony Korine’s very strange latest project, is that RiFF RAFF was reportedly asked to play the James Franco role. While the Houston rapper never actually made it into the film, Franco’s character was clearly heavily based on the man and his signature style. After the trailer dropped yesterday, MTV Hive […]

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Andy Cush

HTML5, the language that’s helped usher in the web’s current incarnation–with its infinite scrolling, emphasis on interactivity, and beautiful custom page layouts–is still a relatively new technology. It’s already spawned some classics (and might I humbly submit this for consideration?), but by and large, its full potential has yet to be seen. Designer and developer Jongmin […]

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Aymann Ismail

Over the past few years, LP sales have continued to make a huge comeback to the delight of audiophiles the world over, but there’s at least one genre of music where vinyl records never stopped getting pressed: Dancehall. Vinyl still plays a crucial role in the dissemination of Jamaica’s leading cultural export and in New […]

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Samer Kalaf

It turns out that when you leave your house doors unlocked or open, people will take the opportunity to steal your shit. Who knew? Out of 146 burglaries in Boerum Hill, Brooklyn Heights and Downtown Brooklyn last year, 50 instances occurred due to the residents leaving their doors open or unlocked. Their belief that people […]

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Andy Cush

Unitl yesterday, Lil B the Based God, the most positive person on the planet and godfather of the current generation of internet-bred rappers, was on his way to The Gig of a Lifetime. That is to say, he was a nominee in the Grammy-sponsored contest of the same name, which would have B performing at […]

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