Category: News
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ANIMAL’s feature Artist’s Notebook asks artists to show us their original “idea sketch” next to a finished artwork or project. This week, artists Shane + Kevin talk about their series Have you seen Mr. Brown?, animated gifs created by hand-cut, halftone analogue screens. The profits will go to the family of Mike Brown. As artists, […]
Tribeca gallery Apexart is opening an exhibit of miniatures from 11 artists on March 18 featuring an intricate diorama of tiny figures digging through debris; a painstaking miniature recreation of the artist’s studio; and a LEGO recreation of the meth lab from Breaking Bad. Which of these is things is not like the others? This […]
A year-long investigation into the city’s homeless shelters by the city Department of Investigation has revealed extreme neglect by the Department of Homeless Services. “At its worst, DHS is turning a blind eye to violations that threaten the lives of shelter residents,” reads the report, analyzed by DNAinfo. Shelters offer temporary housing to approximately 12,000 […]
On Tuesday, the NYC Board of Health failed to come to a consensus on whether or not to legalize possession of pet ferrets in the city. The vote was 3-2 in favor of lifting the ban, but five voters on the 10-member board abstained. Since neither side was able to secure a majority vote, the […]
If you drink too much and have a fuckton of disposable income, Hangover Club is for you! For $175-$249, Hangover Club will send a nurse to your home or office within an hour of booking and hook you up to an IV that will provide you with hydration, nausea or pain medication, vitamins and electrolytes […]
After months of floating around the ISS and getting toyed with by Italian astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti, one of the two mosaic tiles created by French street artist Invader for the European Space Agency has been permanently affixed to the Columbus module, the facility’s major laboratory floating 249 miles above the Earth. Early Thursday, Cristoforetti tweeted […]
The New York Department of Environmental Conservation’s plan to wipe out the mute swan population has hit a major roadblock: people like them. Months after announcing its intention to kill more than 2,000 swans by gassing them, shooting them, or oiling their eggs, on Monday, the department released a revised plan that instead asks the […]
On Wednesday afternoon, I popped out of the Bowery station and saw a homeless guy standing on Delancey Street with a sign that read, “Tell me off for $2.” I asked the man, who had an odd straw-like cylinder pierced through his nose, if people actually take him on his offer. “You really wanna know?” […]
Four teenage girls beat the shit out of another girl in a Flatbush McDonald’s on Monday afternoon, as “dozens of kids and at least two adults” watched and cheered, reports the New York Daily News. All of it was caught on video and then posted to Facebook. The video, above, is graphic. What’s perhaps more […]
Jayden, Bushwick. (Photo: Bucky Turco/ANIMALNewYork) […]