May 9, 2013 Marina Galperina

RIP East Village. Poet, writer, long long long-time East Village resident Taylor Mead died yesterday at the age of 88, Bowery Boogie reports. Most everyone who lived in the East Village knew Taylor, or knew of Taylor, or saw Taylor hobbling sexily down Houston to 163 Ludlow Street where he lived in a notoriously dilapidated apartment. […]

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Allison Bagg

Gillian, East River. (Photo: Bucky Turco/ANIMALNewYork) […]

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May 8, 2013 Andy Cush

Amanda Ghassaei, the woman who brought you 3D-printed records, is back with yet another impressive alternative to vinyl: laser-cut maple and plywood. And not only do the wooden records look real pretty, they sound a hell of a lot better than their printed-plastic counterparts. But wood is still nowhere near bona fide vinyl, unfortunately. With […]

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Backdoor Pharmacist

MDPV, methylenedioxypyrovalerone, or “bath salts” is a research chemical or designer drug of the stimulant class. In the UK, they have 4-MMC or mephedrone, which is like if coke and MDMA had a baby and I could put that baby up my nose. But I’m here to talk about MDPV… for now. Never listen to […]

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Allison Bagg

Blondie, Hell’s Kitchen. (Photo: ANIMALNewYork) […]

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May 7, 2013 Marina Galperina

So, Seinfeld is like some new artist inside joke now? WHATEVER RICHARD PRINCE. Fine, don’t tell me. Here’s a fresh and amazing datamosh mash-up of dozens of Kramer entrances. Look at him moshing up pixels with that door swing. Look, look. PANIC IN NEEDLE PARK (2013) is described thusly: the satellite connection to jerry’s memory goes out. kramer […]

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Andy Cush

Yelp is great and all, but it’s seriously lacking in the get-me-to-the-nearest-pizza-as-soon-as-possible department. I mean, think about it: First, you have to open search, then type “pizza,” then figure out which result is the closest, then select it and ask Yelp to give you directions. Thankfully, Pizza Compass, released this week, simplifies that process significantly. […]

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Marina Galperina

“Misunderstanding Focus” is a very clean series of portraits from Japanese collaborators Hiiroshi Manaka and Yoshiharu Ota, aka Nerhol. Nerhol shot continuous photographs of each subject for three minutes, instructing them to stay as still as you can but they can’t. They fucked up. They moved, a little bit. The slightly different portraits were then cut and stacked in a […]

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Andy Cush

“Listen In” is a weekly feature in which we ask musicians to curate a mixtape-length YouTube playlist of songs they’re currently digging. This week’s playlist comes from our friends in the Boston garage trio Banditas, whose 2012 release Save the Rats I’d recommend to any fans of boozey, bluesy rock and roll. The mix, curated by bandleader […]

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Marina Galperina

Ah, the Met Ball. It’s like, um, various celebrities getting garlanded and vaguely commenting on whatever the Metropolitan Museum of Art happens to be high-profile-hyping at the time. This year they resurrected punk just so they could kill it again. Ok, I’m not really old enough to say that with any validity. I am, however, old enough to […]

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