February 18, 2013 Bucky Turco

The New York Post, sadly reports that police issued less tickets to “rogue cyclists” in 2012 compared to 2011, even though more and more people are riding bikes: The number of rogue cyclists ticketed for traffic infractions in 2012 dropped by nearly 20 percent from the year before, despite growing numbers of bicycle riders on […]

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Marina Galperina

Vivan Maier was one of the best street photographers no one’s ever heard off, until one lucky kid found 100,000 of her negatives. Nanny by day, and brilliant photographer by later that day, Maier privately captured decades of Chicago’s history. She was also a hoarder, a hermit and just a little bit strange. She hid everything. […]

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Eugene Reznik

Photographer Cheyne Gallarde took to Kickstarter last year with a unique way to raise hype and funds for his Universe of One self-portrait series. The project was designed to be a book in which he’d take on the likenesses of a large cast of characters from a variety of backgrounds and genders — an idea derived […]

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Julia Dawidowicz

He said that He said to be cool but He said that the atom resembles a tiny rock He said take care This anaphoric literary gem was not penned by a tormented soul infatuated with an eloquent chemist with commitment issues. It was created by algorithms and Google autocomplete. It’s just one of hundreds of such “poems” […]

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Marina Galperina

If you haven’t submitted your 6-second Vine to our Unofficial Vine NC-17 #VeryShortFilmFest, this is your final reminder. You have until midnight tomorrow, Tuesday 2/19, to submit by making video art, porn, porny video art or arty porno video (or something else fun, whatever) by Vining and Tweeting your vid with the hashtag #VeryShortFilmFest or emailing […]

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Eugene Reznik

Evan Seitz, the Atlanta-based motionographer who brought you minimalist-y montage quiz animations Alphagames, 123Films and Geovideos, has just released the last in his 5-part series, ABCinema – Take 2. Film nerds rejoice and take a minute to absorb 26 all new two-second soundbites from mostly classic films with a few more contemporary nods than the […]

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Samer Kalaf

The fast food social media world was rocked today when Burger King’s Twitter account was hacked and became amusing, changing its name to McDonald’s and tweeting out Chief Keef and Gucci Mane videos. The group behind the hacking might be Lulzsec, as evidenced by the tweets right here, but who knows. Anyway, to whomever is […]

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Marina Galperina

You’re about to watch a group of perfectly average-looking New Yorkers struggle with several rolling bags, interconnected with tubes. Watch them drag their “baggage” into some high traffic intersections and rattle over sidewalk grates. Because [performance] art. Specifically, Movable Carts by Miryana Todorova. Movable Carts’ aims to expand the boundaries of personal space and explores themes […]

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Andy Cush

Researchers at UCLA have developed a way to reduce blood alcohol levels in drunk mice, in a study that could forebear a pill that would help you quickly sober up after a night of boozing. Scientists gave the rodents a nanocapsule filled with an enzyme that naturally metabolizes alcohol, and those animals dosed with the […]

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Samer Kalaf

Did you know that any porn site ever and this picture of Morgan Freeman can be linked to each other on the internet in 19 clicks or fewer? We are all connected. Hungarian physicist Albert-László Barabási published his study yesterday, and for an estimated 14 billion webpages, every one can be linked to another in […]

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