Chronicling Cops Parking in Bike Lanes on Tumblr

Streetsblog points to “Cops in Bike Lanes,” a single serving Tumblr dedicated to documenting all the times that, yes, cops park in bike lanes in NYC. A lot of the photos are from Downtown Brooklyn–Hoyt and Schermerhorn Streets in particular make many appearances–but this is a problem that absolutely exists everywhere. Parking in the bike […]

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Carlos Danger, Gary Busey, and Other NYC Mayoral Write-Ins

The write-in vote remains one of the greatest, most useless tools in the American democratic system. Don’t like the assholes offered up by your political party of choice? Just write in literally anyone else–your dad, your high school English teacher, your favorite cartoon character. It’s often a gesture without any pragmatic effect, but writing in […]

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Yes, Everyone Really Does Want Bike Lanes

Bike lanes: not a terrorist plot to cause traffic congestion and take away parking spaces from cop cars! The people of New York actually want them, according to a new survey from Transportation Alternatives. Crazy! In fact, 70% of respondents support bike lanes and pedestrian plazas, and believe it or not, it’s not just the two-wheeled […]

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Ray Kelly Plays a Drum, Dodges Reporter’s Questions at Muslim Day Parade

As Azi Paybarah at Capital New York reports, Ray Kelly stopped by the Muslim Day Parade on Madison Avenue yesterday for a photo op with a few attendees. The most bizarre-sounding moment in what must have been an extraordinarily bizarre scene involved–you guessed it–NYPD surveillance of Muslims, and, um, hand drumming. One reporter approached Kelly […]

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The Country’s First Fatal Car Accident Happened in NYC, 114 Years and Nine Days Ago

In the five weeks since the British tourist Sian Green was maimed by a taxi in Midtown, there have been at least nine pedestrians killed by automobiles in the five boroughs and thirteen other accidents involving pedestrian injuries. It seems like an extreme number, and it is, but for NYC it’s business as usual: cars have been killing […]

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Surprise: Victims of Police Harassment Don’t Like Police

A new study  by the Vera Institute of Justice confirms what may seem like an obvious truth: people who have been stopped and frisked and live in areas with a high police presence generally distrust the NYPD. According to the Daily News, the study found that “for every additional time someone was stopped, that person was 8% […]

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Stop-and-Frisk Ruling Will Remain in Effect Despite Bloomberg’s Request

Last month, the Bloomberg filed a request with federal judge Shira A. Scheindlin, asking her to delay the effects of her recent court decision against stop-and-frisk until the city filed its appeal. This week, Scheindlin denied that request.  “Ordering a stay now would send precisely the wrong signal,” she wrote yesterday. “It would essentially confirm […]

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