Meet the One-Man Anti-Stop-And-Frisk Patrol

Al Jazeera America has a fascinating profile on Jose LaSalle, a parks worker who has made it his personal mission to ensure New York City cops aren’t overstepping their bounds when it comes to stop-and-frisk. Nightly, LaSalle patrols the streets of Harlem, Brownsville, or the Bronx with his camera, looking for cops stopping and frisking teenagers […]

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Get Your “Stop Frisking” Sticker Kits!

The federal ruling that deemed the NYPD’s stop-and-frisk tactics unconstitutional was a landmark decision, but the battle is far from over. Mayor Bloomberg, who recently said “I think we disproportionately stop whites too much and minorities too little,” already said he’s going to appeal the decision. In the meantime, to keep the pressure on, ANIMAL teamed […]

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Cops in High Stop-and-Frisk Precincts Will Wear Cameras Under New Ruling

A detail that we (and others) neglected to report when yesterday’s “stop-and-frisk is unconstitutional” ruling came in: police in the precinct with the highest number of stops in each borough will be required to wear cameras for a one-year pilot program, in an effort to bring more objective evidence around the tactic. “The recordings may […]

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Stop-and-Frisk Ruled Unconstitutional by Federal Judge

In a landmark legal ruling, Manhattan federal judge Shira Scheindlin ruled that the NYPD’s stop-and-frisk practice violated New Yorkers’ constitutional rights. Scheindlin, who according to the New York Times stated “that police officers have for years been systematically stopping innocent people in the street without any objective reason to suspect them of wrongdoing,” plans to […]

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Experience the Park Avenue Voice Tunnel Without Attending the Park Avenue Voice Tunnel

We showed you a preview of the art that the NYPD wanted to censor and now here is some actual video from the sound and light installation in the Park Avenue tunnel. It was created by artist Rafael Lozano-Hemmer to help promote the DOT’s Summer Streets program. As you’ll see, it was basically like walking […]

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Bloomberg Vetoes Police Oversight Bills

We knew this was coming, but still. Amid the hubbub over Carlos Danger and his sexting problem, Mayor Bloomberg vetoed the Community Safety Act, a package of bills that would bring new independent oversight to the NYPD. The legislation passed with a veto-proof majority last month, and Bloomberg vowed a veto immediately, targeting council members […]

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Ray Kelly Invokes Trayvon Martin to Defend Stop-and-Frisk

Forgive Ray Kelly if he’s feeling a little under attack lately. After President Obama suggested the NYPD Commissioner would make a good candidate for Secretary of Homeland Security, people have been coming out of the woodwork in protest–there have been demonstrations, editorials in major newspapers, and criticism from mayoral candidates. Now, Kelly is striking back […]

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Internal Affairs Investigating Cops Who Posed With Topless Woman

For all the haters who say the Internal Affairs Bureau doesn’t do enough to investigate and stamp out corruption in the NYPD, get this: according to a police source contacted by the Daily News, the bureau is coming down hard on two officers involved in one of the most pressing, flagrant issues facing the department today: a […]

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