Civil Liberties Stalwarts
Challenge Mayor Bloomberg’s
Stop-and-Frisk Math

In the wake of the City Council passing historic measures to keep the NYPD accountable and Mayor Bloomberg baffling comments about stop-and-frisk demographics, former Executive Directors of the New York and American Civil Liberties Unions, Norman Siegel and Ira Glasser, sent the following letter to all 51 Council Members. Dear Council Member, In response to City […]

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Marching With Russians in the NYC Pride Parade During Moscow’s Darkest Hour

Nothing says “Free Pussy Riot!” quite like Putin pasties on a hairy barrel chest. We’re crammed in tight just off Fifth Avenue prepping for the Pride Parade and my giggling, balaclava’ed neighbor flicks the pasty-Putin’s nose. The tassels spin. Hours earlier in St. Petersburg, 40 gay rights activists were attacked by 200 nationalist thugs. They were […]

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Photographer Arrested for Taking Photos of a Police Station…
in Bushwick

Last Saturday afternoon photographer, Shawn Randall Thomas was arrested for photographing a police station in Bushwick. Thomas was allegedly taking photos of the station for over an hour prior to his encounter with the frustrated police officer seen in the video below. Thomas says that he was unlawfully arrested and has filed a formal complaint against the […]

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Ray Kelly’s Bizarre Support for Edward Snowden

Ray Kelly, the commissioner of a police department that’s currently awaiting the decision in a federal trial over the constitutionality of its stop-and-frisk practice, a department that ran a massive program of spying on New York City’s muslim community, made statements condemning the NSA for the secrecy of its phone and electronic communications surveillance programs, […]

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Surprise: Bloomberg Still Doesn’t Want Police Oversight

This week, the U.S. Department of Justice issued a statement recommending that a court-appointed monitor be put in place to independently oversee the NYPD, should the courts rule against the city in the federal trial over stop-and-frisk. New York City Mayor and police booster number one Michael Bloomberg, unsurprisingly, called this a “terrible idea.” Addressing reporters in […]

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A Year of Stop-and-Frisk, One Tweet at a Time

Going through @stopandfrisk‘s timeline on Twitter, one phrase jumps out at you: “No weapon is found.” Every five minutes, the account tweets a short description of one of the 685,742 stops that occurred in 2011, and only one percent of those stops actually turned up a weapon. Here’s a sampling: 01/06/11: Police stop a 31-year-old in […]

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ANIMAL Needs More (Paid) Interns: Look at Our Roof

Do you like what we have been up to lately? We trolled Supreme, got love from Rachel Maddow, beat Tribeca Film Festival in the Vine game and reported from the front lines of #OccupyGezi. We interviewed artists, made mixtapes, documented graffiti in London and shot the “Rent Is Too Damn High” music video for Jimmy McMillan all over NYC. If last year we were about boxer […]

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Horseshoe Crab Heist Foiled by Cops in Choppers

Horseshoe crabs–spiky, prehistoric-looking things like the specimens pictured above–it turns out, are more valuable than you might think. This week, four men illegally took at least 200 of the creatures from an island in Jamaica Bay, ostensibly to sell them as fishing bait (the crabs fetch about $5 a piece). Fortunately for the little critters, […]

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