March 18, 2015 Liam Mathews

German artist Nadine Wottke’s sculptures are a great contribution to the genre of art-by-juxtaposition: she makes small porcelain figurines of the type most closely associated with wholesome, kitschy depictions of angels and children, but re-shapes them to have everyday bodies (soft bellies and sagging breasts) posed in sexually explicit positions. She adds to the off-ness […]

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June 11, 2013 Julia Dawidowicz

We tend to associate porcelain with delicate dolls and our great aunt’s precious wedding china set that never leaves the cabinet, but artist Jason Briggs debauches the stereotype with his grotesque, vaguely pornographic porcelain sculptures created in his rural Tennessee studio. With their tufts of coarse hair, gnarled fat rolls and strange orifices a plenty, these porcelain flesh blobs […]

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