Category: News
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With great power come allegations of punching a mom in Times Square. Philip Williams, the costumed Spider-Man in question, was arrested for assault when he hit the woman after she didn’t toss him some money after posing for a photo with her two kids. The mom came back with her husband, who started beating Williams […]
ANIMAL’s feature Artist’s Notebook asks artists to show us their original idea sketch next to a finished piece. This week, artist Man Bartlett talks about 24-hour project #BestNonBuy. A few years ago I spent 24 hours in a Best Buy shopping but not buying anything. I tweeted the whole thing while taking suggestions from people following the hashtag […]
Riot, a recently-revealed surveillance software package from security firm Raytheon, allows anyone to collect your personal information across all social networks, then analyze it to deduce some frighteningly personal facts about you: where you like to hang out, who your closest friends are, what you look like–that sort of thing. The Guardian obtained footage from 2010 of […]
Last week, the new 6-second video sharing social network phenomenon Vine was slapped with an NC-17 rating, because of all the naughty content. And so, ANIMAL launched… Completely not associated with Vine or Twitter, yey. WE HAVE FESTIVAL RULES UPDATES (see below). To enter, Vine us a 6 second video of something naughty, brave and arty with the […]
Multi-billion dollar comic book operation DC Comics is attempting to connect to the plight of the 99% via two new titles: The Green Team, a series about a group of super-rich, one-percenter superheroes, and The Movement, a book subtitled “They were the super-powered disenfranchised–now they’re the voice of the people!” Obviously, there’s some tension when an enormous company like DC […]
To create these maps, data visualization specialist Olivier H. Beauchesne took to Wikipedia. Taking advantage of the site’s optional geotagging feature, which allows you to associate a specific latitude and longitude to any article–the New Museum’s entry could be linked to the Bowery, for example–Beauchesne first mapped every article on Wikipedia, then did searches for specific […]
A group of tenants in a Bronx apartment complex with some truly deplorable conditions–rats, nonworking appliances, no hot water–decided to strike back against their shitty landlord recently, and have reaped the benefits. Under a new program called First Look, which allows community-minded groups to have the first bid on struggling residential buildings, a coalition of […]
Pauly, Financial District. (Photo: ANIMALNewYork) […]
Not even the most significant snowstorm of the modern era can stop Fashion Week diehards from dressing to the hilt. (Photo: Aymann Ismail/ANIMALNewYork) […]
Yes, that lamp has DEER HOOF FEET. No, that’s not Twin Peaks. Remember Aram Bartholl’s digital art glory hole at the Museum of Moving Image in Queens? Volume 5 in launching today! Through March 14, bring your blank dvd to the DVD Dead Drop and it shall spit out the Best of Fach & Asendorf Gallery of net art, compiled by […]