Unethical Facebook “Emotional Contagion” Study Not Funded by the Army, Happens All the Time

Last week, the New Scientist published an “emotional contagion study” conducted by researchers employed by Facebook, which proved that people can be influenced by the emotions of others online, just like “in real life.” The study’s unsettling methodology caught our attention: The experiment’s subjects were nearly 700,000 regular Facebook users whose feeds were manipulated to contain more […]

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New York, Illinois Arrest More Pot Users Than Any Other States

Though New York state decriminalized weed in the 70’s, it is topped only by Illinois in the number of pot arrests relative to users, according to a series of infographics published by Addiction-Treatment.com. A Vox article points out that Stop-and-Frisk plays a big role in upping New York’s numbers: As the Marijuana Policy Project explained, there is […]

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Ray Kelly’s Brother Called a Radio Show to Badmouth Bratton

The only ex-cop with a bigger mouth than former NYPD commissioner Ray Kelly, it seems, is his brother. After current top cop Bill Bratton remarked that the department under Kelly had “awful morale” after excessive use of stop-and-frisk, Donald Kelly, 79, called the “Curtis & Kuby” show on WABC to air his grievances. “I’m mad […]

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Coming Soon: NYPD-Trained Cabbies

Dodging your fare may get more difficult soon, as the NYPD is beginning self-defense training for cab drivers. According to the Post, the regimen will include strategies for dealing with “violent passengers and farebeaters” as well as “handling high-stress situations that could lead to road rage and accidents.” Training will also include what a driver should do […]

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NYPD Is Testing Google Glass

Well, this is terrifying, if inevitable: the NYPD is testing Google Glass to see whether cops could use the wearable technology while on patrol. “We signed up, got a few pairs of the Google glasses, and we’re trying them out, seeing if they have any value in investigations, mostly for patrol purposes,” a police official […]

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NYPD Launced CSI Investigation Over Empty Beers In Stationhouse

The NYPD’s latest big internal investigation was not sparked by some unwarranted stop-and-frisk, or the bloodying of an 84-year-old man, but a couple of empty beer cans found in a stationhouse. Alcohol is banned on police property under a rule instituted by former commissioner, so when a captain found four empty Budweisers in the dormitory […]

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Will Bratton End NYPD’s Crime News Blackout?

One month of its instatement, the NYPD’s blackout on local crime news is still in effect. In December, the department stopped allowing precincts to provide information about crime to reporters, instead funneling all requests through the office of the Deputy Commissioner for Public Information, effectively cutting off information about local crime. Brooklyn Daily and Gothamist dug into the […]

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Surprise: Victims of Police Harassment Don’t Like Police

A new study  by the Vera Institute of Justice confirms what may seem like an obvious truth: people who have been stopped and frisked and live in areas with a high police presence generally distrust the NYPD. According to the Daily News, the study found that “for every additional time someone was stopped, that person was 8% […]

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