March 6, 2013 Andy Cush

The MTA will consider adding express service on the F train once a $257.5 renovation project is completed in a few weeks, the transit authority announced Tuesday. The train would run express towards Manhattan in the mornings and towards Brooklyn in the evenings, much like the 7 in Queens, providing South Brooklynites from Coney Island to […]

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February 22, 2013 Andy Cush

The MTA announced it will perform a full line review on the oft-maligned G train–a process that will have officials deeply inspecting the train, and which led to improved service for the F in 2009 and the L in 2011. The review comes after a long effort by straphangers’ advocates, including Democratic state Sen. Daniel […]

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February 21, 2013 Andy Cush

Subway and bus riders can load both unlimited passes and single ride fares onto the same MetroCard, according to the MTA. The change is designed to help straphangers avoid the $1 charge that will come with all new MetroCard purchases starting March 1st. The new cards will automatically draw from unlimited rides first, then begin […]

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February 20, 2013 Andy Cush

A new analysis of MTA data by NYU grad student Carson Qing shows that the L train is every bit as busy at 1am every night of the week as it is during the traditional weekday rush hours. Qing believes the data shows that the MTA should increase service on the Canarsie-bound train, which has […]

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February 5, 2013 Andy Cush

When Rep. Carolyn Maloney announced she would be seeking to have the 77th Street 6 Train station renamed in honor of the late former mayor Ed Koch, the MTA was firm that it wouldn’t happen. Now, Maloney appears to have taken the hint, and is withdrawing her request to make the renaming happen, in favor […]

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February 4, 2013 Andy Cush

Ed Koch, New York’s recently deceased, graffiti-inspiring 105th mayor, may soon have the 77th Street 6 train station renamed in his honor. “He called it his favorite stop on the subway,” said Rep. Carolyn Maloney, who is behind the renaming effort. Koch, of course, had a bridge named after him while he was still alive, which […]

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January 29, 2013 Andy Cush

After months of badgering by activists groups and politicians alike, the MTA has announced it will consider making service improvements to the oft-maligned G train–adding more trains, better communication about outages and service changes, and free above-ground transfers to other lines at certain stops. The authority also officially voted to make the line’s extension to […]

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January 25, 2013 Andy Cush

There’s recently been a grassroots push for more service on Brooklyn’s oft-maligned G train. While advocates say the service is too infrequent for a crucial link between north and south Brooklyn, the MTA maintains that ridership isn’t high enough for them to increase service. But the only reason ridership is so low, activists counter, is […]

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January 18, 2013 Andy Cush

Benjamin Kabak of the transit blog Second Avenue Sagas was recently given a media tour of Lower Manhattan’s South Ferry Station, which suffered incredible damage during Hurricane Sandy and is likely to take up to three years and $600 million to repair. What he found–documented in the photos above–looks more like a station that’s been abandoned […]

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January 15, 2013 Andy Cush

In response to the recent spat of subway-related deaths, the train operators union has called for drivers to drastically reduce their speed when entering a station. A memo distributed by the union urges operators to “enter every station as if there is a pair of yellow lanterns at the entrance,” a sign which calls for […]

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